Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Season of Giving.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Its definitely been an interesting one! I made my first turkey and i think I earned my cooking Merit Badge to be a house wife haha. As i look at the long postings on facebook about the Holiday, i reflect on what i'm grateful for. I'm grateful for alot of things to think of it.I am grateful for parents who have taught me right from wrong and to always believe i was meant for great things. I am grateful for my family, and friends,for the short comings i have and for the hard times that i've been through. My family is crazy sometimes but the best family that i could ever ask for & more. And this includes my work family at LGH :)  I'm grateful for the friends that i have even though sometimes i dont spend as much time with them as i would like too.This past year has been a rollercoaster i guess you could say. i reflect on where i was a year ago. I was getting out of a relationship, going into a new one. I was thinkin about my mission and how far away it was. I was changing my major and what i was studying. Ya know so many things happened that i thought wouldn't happen. The Lord has blessed me more then i deserve and my heart is always full whenever i reflect on the tender mercies He has shown me. 
This Thanksgiving it was just my Oldest brother and I. We both pitched in to try to make Thanksgiving work. He bought the turkey & basically i cooked everything. I stayed up all night & tried to make everything perfect . (btw the turkey was a success) I was really proud the way things turned out! the turkey was perfect, we had all the essentials. pie & dessert as well. As we sat down to give thanks, again, it was just the two of us. It was humbling in a way. I missed my family and i was a lil sad that i couldn't spend time with huge company, but ya know what i was given the opportunity to get to know my brother more. My eldest brother and I have always gotten along but not as close as Jared and I. Jared and i are like bestfriend and my two older brothers are bestfriends so thats just how it was. Out at college, Josh is the only brother out here with me. I love my Brother and i am grateful for the love and support he shows me everyday. But today was different. 
 I want this Blog to be the real Journey of my Mission. The good, bad, happy, and sad. In the words of President Monson I can also say "My dear brothers and sisters, I am humbled as I stand before you this morning. I ask for your faith and prayers in my behalf as I speak about those things which have been on my mind and which I have felt impressed to share with you." . Although, I am not standing at the moment and I am not speaking , but lets substitute [write]. 

Going on a mission is hard. This is the hardest thing that i've done and will do so far in my life.I knew that from the moment I made my decision but I didn't realize how hard it would be. There are a roller coaster of emotions that come with this process, well at least for me. I'm anxious, nervous, excited , heartbroken, exhausted , happy, over filled with joy, ect . It's kinda draining but I know it hasn't even started ! . Everyone talks about how great it is during the mission and what to expect after but i rarely hear of what happens before. Sometimes i think it's harder to go for girls to go just because we are not obligated to go.  Since the announcement was made. My life has legit been turned upside down. I had planned to go when i was 21. I had planned my life basically till then. Now plans have to be canceled, education put on hold,  and other things have been moved up on my to do list. I want to go and have always had the desire to go. I talked to my brother what was happening and it was funny to see how he could relate to what i was going through. I have ran into alot of opinions while this has gone on and one still baffles me a little. I explained that I have no idea why alot of return guy missionaries have a bad opinion of sister missionaries. Maybe they just had some syco missionaries that made their judgement, or maybe they got dear johned on the mission i dk. It is frustrating to know that just becuase they've seen weird sister misssionaries, doesnt mean ill come back one? It hurts and is heart breaking to know that i am being catigorized and jugdged as such. My brother Josh talked about he sacrifices he made and how he is kinda dealing with similar emotions in his life. It was good to lean on each other for support and i am grateful that i have a brother who not only is willing to be there when i need him but  also i'm grateful for his support no matter what happens. 

For those of you who have been reading this blog, i am grateful for your support as well. The Lord has been my Rock and even when things change and life is hard, He has always been there. He's always been the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. For me Nothing has changed in that aspect. Today we reflect on what we are grateful for. Over everything else, I am grateful for Him. Everything i have is because of My Savior.  I'm not that great. I have my flaws. He loves me enough to give me more than i deserve He has blessed me with all of you. I am grateful for that :)


  1. I enjoyed reading your new post. In D&C 4:3, it reads: "Therefore if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to do the work." It's that simple. If you have a sincere desire to dedicate yourself to your Heavenly Father's work, then follow through on that desire by taking advantage of the new lowered age requirements for serving a mission, and pleading with the Lord to make it all possible. My friend Frankie was in a very tough situation and barely missed the age cut-off deadline for being called to serve a mission. While Frankie was making the effort to save up for his mission, some so-called friends took advantage of him and left him in some major debt. I think his family started to lose hope by thinking it would take a miracle for him to escape whatever debt he was in and not miss the deadline for serving a mission. Frankie had always wanted to serve a mission, but he struggled in making it real. I'm grateful to have been an instrument in the Lord's hands in giving Frankie that extra push and motivation he needed to get out there on a mission. I prayed and prayed for Frankie to be able to serve a mission and to not miss the deadline. My prayers were finally answered in early November of last year when the Lord brought to pass that day when Frankie's mission call arrived in the mail followed by the phone call I received from his mother informing me of the exciting news. I also did the honors of helping his sister Ileah post the exciting news on Facebook as well. He officially departed for the MTC on January 4, 2012. Frankie is forever grateful for all my help in keeping his desire to serve strong. He can't help but cry when thinking about how he almost missed out on being called to serve a mission in Pocatello, Idaho. In addition to blessing Frankie, I was also an instrument in the Lord's hands in blessing the lives of many other people in that area. Don't let the judgment of others stop you from serving a mission. President Monson quoted Mother Teresa in stating that if we spend all our time judging others, we then have no time to love them.

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