Tuesday, October 16, 2012

This is my Story.

So here we go. Here goes to starting a blog on my journey of serving a mission for my Church. First off, for those who didn't know, I'm a Mormon. I know it, I live it, and most of all I love it with all my heart. For those of you who dont know what a mormon is, or what a mission is,  here is a site that will help http://mormon.org/  and http://mormon.org/missionary-work  . If you still have any questions, please feel free to ask :) 

 My decision to serve a mission has never been easy and still continues to be a struggle. It all started when I was a kid. I've had the wonderful blessing to be born into the church. My parents have always been great examples both in and out of church. Both of my parents also served missions. Growing up my mom always told me stories and introduced me to the idea of serving a mission. I saw the joy it brought to her life and how she grew from that experience. Also every girl in my family has served a mission. All my aunts on my mom and majority on dads side and all of my cousins. I actually have two cousins who are serving missions in Uruguay and St.George Utah. So that leaves me. The girl who is next in line. 
   It never really hit me till i was out of high school. My first year of college was great but everyone I talked to frowned upon a mission and everyone from back home said" you're gunna get married first" But still i had the desire despite what everyone said. It wasn't a automatic answer i got. but it came through a set of trials. The pressure and the reality of this decision set in this past year. As a turned twenty I realized that I only had a year left. I started to get excited while everyone around me wasn't. My family was supportive in a way and always brought up the fact i was next, which was alot of pressure. My boyfriend wasn't too fond of the idea of it, and that was very understandable. 
  Over the summer i made the decision to start my papers. they have been open since end of July/August, but i decided to work on them slowly since i had about a year to submit them. THEN October conference came around.  Backing up, two months before conference facing the reality of this was really hard. My parents thought i was going for the wrong reasons and my boyfriend after telling me he'd wait, changed his mind and both of those situations upset me. Everything seemed so far away and it seemed easier to just stay home and not go.While all that was going on I had the constant reassurance everything was going to be ok. Then conference came around. On October 6th around 10am my life turned upside down . As most of you know President Monson announced the change of the mission age for not only men, but women as well. As he began to say that i just started freaking out.  I called my brother Jared and we just screamed on the phone together. I honestly couldn't believe it. It seemed so unreal and I seriously couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day. So many things went through my mind and i didn't know where to start. All i knew is that every minute that went by that day I was like " I could be on my mission by now" I was SOOO excited. But it always seems that everything that happens in my life likes to happen all at once. My parents just told me to calm down and continue planning to send my papers when i got home . My boyfriend didn't say anything which was understandable. All i wanted was someone to be happy with me. Like i said this decision has never been easy and still continues to test my diligence. I would love to go home right now and just submit my papers. that would be awesome. But for some reason i'm in Idaho. I have the wonderful opportunity to be at school till December. There have been things like this that have come up that I think are unfair but everything happens for a reason and I try to look at the eternal perspective of things. Despite all the crazy things life throws at me...

I am going with the decision that I've prayed for years about. and had the same multiple answer to. I am not going because I'm trying to prove something to anyone. I am going because I want to serve to the Lord. I love the gospel and I want to share it with anyone that I can. I want to bring people unto Christ. I want others to experience the joy and peace the gospel brings to my life. I want to be the best mother and Wife that i can be. I want my children to be proud and follow the example both my husband and I make. I am studying and trying to prepare as the best I can. I know who I am and i know that this is the right thing for me to do. I would love for everyone to understand that my desire to serve is honest and sincere. It has never been easy, but putting the Lord first and accepting whatever he has in store for my life is what I'm going to do. Whether our beliefs are the same or completely different. This work has changed my life and I am grateful for the guidance and truth I receive from it. I know that our Heavenly Father's plan is the great plan of eternal happiness. I know that he knows us and loves us. I know this gospel is true. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and is another testament of Christ. I know that Jesus is the Christ and He is our Savior.  I know many of you are not of my faith and I respect, honor, and am grateful that I get to share this experience with you through this blog


  1. Yay! Go Janina! You are the best example ever, even to an old lady like me! I will be following your adventures on your blog...can't wait!

  2. Janina, I am so proud of you!!!!!! I am proud of you for sticking by your decision, regardless of what those around you are saying or doubting or whatever. Your testimony will make you a fabulous missionary, and honestly, you will say that it was the best decision you ever made. I know if I could go back in time, I would go on a mission all over again. It changed my life, and it will change yours for the better. You are going to be great, and I'm stoked to hear all about it!!! Also, I know a little about what you went through going to college....everyone always told me I'd get married before I'd have the chance to go on a mission too ;) YOU GO, SISTER!!! :) Love ya, girl!

  3. Janina, you are completely awesome.

    Love Elder Chris White

  4. <3 you Janina! I was never a religious person but I respect you for your values, goals, and beliefs. Stand strong. You are such a beautiful person, I've always thought that. Many young people aren't strong enough to stand by their convictions and what they believe in when they feel alone. Proud of you Janina. I look forward to reading more of your adventures and experiences. I'm rooting for you!
