So as my previous post said, my papers are officially in! I seriously can not believe that this is finally happening! I have waited all my life for this moment and it's actually here! :)

Today, probably hit me the hardest with the realization that my mission call could come any day now. On Thursdays is usually when mission calls are decided *( or so i've been told) In a week it should arrive at my Home address back in New Hampshire. I'm grateful for all support you guys have given me and for the Love that i've felt throughout this whole process!!.
Lets back up to yesterday, and let me tell you about an expirence that i had. I go to a Missionary Preparation class on wednesday nights. I have the privaledge to be taught by newly returned mission presidents, who are so amazing btw! I always go to class eager to learn and that class i was quite humbled. It seemed that every question that I answered was either "wrong" or "not quite right". But then it hit me that i was the only one really participating. it also hit me that i was going to have to do this on the mission. I have to put myself out of my confort zone to Give the message of the Gospel. I've never been shy about saying i was a Mormon or that what we believe.On the mission i will be put in situations that i am not use to. I will look dumb and confused at times. I'm deff certain of that. I know the Church is true and thats all that matters though . I am trying to bring what i belive to be the Truth that Christ offers , and also the Peace, joy, and blessings it brings. I am not trying to shove any religion in anyones face. I am and never was about that. I will be real with people and i know that Where ever i am called, thats where i'll be needed. It's my personality and the way that i am that will lead me to the success that will come if i put the effort in.

Tonight was amazing as well. Some of the best roommates i've had here at college got their mission calls tonight! I got to their place early to catch up and to share their excitment with them. I got to hold both of their mission calls as they were setting everything up. As i was holding them i was like " oh gosh mine is coming next week!" it was hard to contain my excitment but i was excited for them more than anything. Kasie got her mission call to the Reno, Nevada mission English speaking. April got called to the Toronto, Canada mission English Speaking. I am so proud of them and their example that they set. Some of my Other good friends got their mission call as well! My friend Megan is going to Provo,Utah mission Spanish Speaking, and Stefano is going to the Belgium Netherlands mission Spanish speaking! The people they serve are deff getting some of the best missionaries ever!
This waiting is taking a toll on me but it's so worth it! At the moment it looks more like i will be opening my call at my house. For those of you who would like to attend please just let me know I would love for all of you to be there! If you cannot make it and would like to be on a conference call or skype let me know too! :) I get home next Saturday the 15th and most likey i will be opening it the second I walk inside my house! Cant wait till next week! :)